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Hello Film World!!!!

Editorial, Marketing

I love my film-life! I would say job, but to me, it is more than that. I live to work and will never change it or retire. Today, for those who get lucky enough to live to be over 50, on average you will have watched about 20,000 different films. Can you imagine, 3.5 years… Continue reading Hello Film World!!!!

Inside the head of directors!!!


Our “Inside the head of directors” explores the psychology of a few instances that makes a great director special. These artists obviously have emotional make-ups that allow them to visualize and express those visualizations in ways advantages to elicit the interest to his audience. billyLAx and his writers expound on these significant psychological advantages that… Continue reading Inside the head of directors!!!

Marketing of the Indies


 These page of Espresso editorials deserves a wide variety of attention. It is one of the most important aspects of Independent Film making. We can talk and talk forever about the methods and value of each niche in showcasing and selling independent films. There as many ideas as there are films partaking in the… Continue reading Marketing of the Indies

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