Suzanne Somers was one of the very best TV actors there ever was, and she and Suzanne Somers and Betty White stucco started together in an independent movie called.2 girls in a dog which was. Eight CBS Nightly special on Monday nights and it starred. Co-starred Mark Harmon, who was the grouchy old brother-in-law of Suzanne Somers.  But Tuesday is Summers was a great independent movie actress. In her day she was not just the blonde-headed bombshell on threes company with John Ritter, but she was also an independent movie. Ah.PA actress that sold the movies on the foreign sales market and helped the distributors. The movie distributors with their product and that she got also got it into the.Art house film.Uhm?Theaters in Europe and make sure that the independent movie would make its money back in and get its sprints in advertising back which was really important to the distributors of the film. And if in the movie investor. But the executive producers of. Most of the Indians. The artwork that Suzanne Somers did was really interested in the independent movie John Doe, starring Suzanne Somers as the leading lady.

But Suzanne Somers and Alan Alda have never teamed up on a TV show much, much less than the independent movie. Alan Alda was, of course, the Star Mash, and Suzanne Somers would have made a great couple on an independent film, but they just never. Made the RRR the theater together so the cinema in the United States is totally lacking soup. Suzanne Somers and her independent movie two dogs and cat. And Billy Ellie X is not happy about that because Billy is Billy’s screenplay that he wrote as bullies, a scriptwriter there. In that case. But. And in the end, we have to give our hats off for radar, O’Reilly, another star of mash that could have been in that independent movie and the distribution of the movie over in Europe would have gone very well as a cinema. Over in Europe has the Princeton advertising already built into the financing of the movie, so the movie investor is sure to make its money back on in production. Investment of Radar O’Reilly in Summa Suzanne Somers independent movie.

Reese Witherspoon is a Hollywood Heavyweight who acts in studio films and is well connected with the Hollywood elite.  She stars in the biggest blockbusters the entertainment industry has made and often she acts with Ben Affleck in great flicks.  However, she seldom talks to the little producer.  The filmmaker who makes that special independent movie we have all grown to love and respect from the venues of the old bankrupt BlockBuster.  Now Red box is the leading distribution company that puts out these sad little flicks.  But the industry puts out great films still like the one movie that is being shot in Flint Michigan Half Dead Fred.  This indie is being shot not far from where I am at now in this old gothic home and in a cold place of the country right next to Lake Huron.  So grab your popcorn and your actress and head on down to the theater in the mall and buy yourself and your girl a couple of tickets and sit back and watch Half Dead Fred and the great performances that are made.  Sad and action films are exciting to watch. Love movies are much a part of the box office too. Going to the theater to see one of your favorite flicks has always been part of the American pastime. Do we want to sit at home watching TV, or do we want to go to the cinema and help a producer’s box office number? Does it matter to a particular story such as mangrove which was an independent movie hit in 2020 or another creation such as Murray’s hit that was canceled due to rain in China in 2020? Many of a director’s dreams are showcased at Sundance.  Do not get distracted by the pictures when you can go to an art-house. When we see a French-style experimental film, we cut in line to get the best seats. Can you imagine being in Paris or at the Cannes Film Festival and getting to see one of the awarded prizes? What a thrill that would be for a novice like myself. Aspiring film directors like Maxx TEE for Espresso films will love to go to the Cannes Film festival to showcase their creations.  It is an artsy love story Maxx TEE is putting together. Then there is CC bel of Espresso Films who is putting his Jewel of a story told by himself. CC bel is one of the tops up and comers in Hollywood and is also a digital marketer for Movies by Espresso editorial website.  The independent movie studio set makes it business putting together vast personal connections for its members. billy LAx is the Managing Director. Billy LAx is a screenplay writer and he has made many of a script come alive. Do you want an excellent Word Press website developer and designer? Well, you have to go with rom who know the world of WordPress development.  The website moviesbyespresso is her creation.  We love Robert De Niro in his greatest movies ever.  Studio directors at Warner Bros stand in line to get his signature on the agreement to act in their flicks and Robert De Niro makes a ton of money or at least Creative Artists, his talent agency, makes the coin.  But then John Wayne has made a lot of money on the stage sets of Warner Bros.  Ben Affleck is another list actor that has played next to the mega-star leading ladies and has graced the international screens with productions that make Robert De Niro angry with rage which is not to hard to do since he spends all the time with Trump in office angry.  Romance is not Robert De Niro’s thing as he is to angry to be in love with anything but himself.  However, Sylvester Stallone will not do any better being the Rambo that he is.  Although, you did see a soft spot in Rocky with Sylvester Stallone.  But Rambo was an independent movie for the ages and we will always feel sorry for the Viet Nam veteran character Rambo was because society tar and feathered him and all he did was fight for his country.  But LeRoy Jethro Gibbs would have respected everything Rambo did because NCIS would be a TV show that would not tolerate that.