Or we have an indie movie that just come out, huh? And has been presented by pixel automation animation company in light up their BFX superstars that they have working there and animating all of their movies for them and especially the indie movie. The division that they haven’t pixel is very very good and we should take applause to this sort of people.

When a device that is a phenomenal device, the HDTV television camera that came out in 1927 and is now what CBS 80 and ABC used to do their sitcoms with. You can ask John Goodman. Was one of the best actors sitcom actors in the world as well. Tim the Toolman Taylor was a very good actor and is now tempted. Two men act. Taylor is now doing an indie movie that we should all love called Rag Dolls, which he’s bringing. And rag dolls will be Bill Murray’s. Jealousy because Bill Murray Bill Murray wishes he could have been so funny is to make an indie movie like Rag Dolls.

When indie movie Is the name of the game? Then I’m going to buy that game ’cause the game should be the Hollywood game starring. Susan Sarandon, Sarandon, Susan Sarandon as the lead actress in the gain and it should make a ton of money for anybody who buys indie movie.The game. So when we talk about indie movie games? We’re talking about.A monopoly capital game or a candy land type of game. I gained that the major actors play in Hollywood. The major directors will play the game like Tarantino and Steven Segal, as well as the A-list actors from Warner Brothers. And from.Whose company, such as John Ritter and Suzanne Somers, which were one of the two the most prolific actors in Hollywood, starring next to Cherry Bell, who was Cece Bell’s girlfriend. 

Half Dead Fred will be a romantic comedy shot in Ann Arber Michigan as an indie movie presentation to the world.  It will scare all the moviegoers half to death.  The theaters will rock their ceilings off with this film and the Cannes International film festival will be meant with the most massive positive movie reviews ever.  The Transformer movie will have the newest in VFX technology meeting its demands for the latest animated superhero effects.  The new Star Trek movie will not have its ninety-year-old aging William Shatner in it however I personally think it would be a great idea.  Reese Witherspoon will now star next to Ben Affleck in billy LAx”s new two dogs and a cat flick he has just done the movie financing for with a below-the-line deal from Paramount studios.  Take the new film camera technology seriously as there is a new editorial on the Movies by Espresso website detailing how great these cameras really are.  But Maxx TEE, first-time Espresso Film director will shoot good old black and white video to get the best effects of the later days of film.  It is impossible to think of Julia Roberts or Roseanne not being impressed with the indie movies Tom Hanks has been the best the indie movie industry has ever known and continues to be?  He is really a nice guy as I remember a story of him being on a jury trial and Tom Hanks made friends with all the little people.   I billy LAx venture to say, from the city of Angels, that the movie scarlets I have employed to act in my three movies; Behind Prison Bars, A Lady and a Dog, and Smile, you are on the short end of a long stick. So hang onto your britches, sit down in the video game seats, and grab some popcorn from the concessions that make the theater owners rich so they can play badminton with suspense and anger and with a thrill my latest called huge dogs to go to Hollywood and bite actors.   Maxx TEE will direct that flick and he will be the casting director and he will also take on the Director of Photography duties and that goes with crazy CC bel as he will be his gofer bringing daddy his ice-cold coke which is in an advertisement on TV. I was in the Golden Coral not long ago, chowing on the buffet, when an advertisement came on the TV hanging on the wall. The character actor was obnoxious C bel, and the flick was one flu over the cock nest. It was about two love birds, no really, birds like parakeets, that eloped to Los Vegas and watched nothing but commercials for two weeks. 

So if your beef is that the entertainment industry is too fill with crap.  Stuff you would not show your kids.  Then you can turn the channel as you are probably watching CNN.  If you go to indie movie Cannes International Film Festival you will probably not like the new 2021 movies as they are filled with homosexuals.  The directors are really on a queer kick and think that it is cool to give you an image of two guys doing, whatever.  But you will have fun at the French cafes talking to the international movie makers trying to get their films ranked as high as they can so they can afford to pay mommy and daddy back.  In the best of the Western movies put out by Clint Eastwood, we find the Jersey Whales movie where Clint Eastwood sits back in the corner of a dark bar just before he picks a gunfight in one of the widely known movie scenes in history.  It will be forever remembered and the kids that saw it in the days of the 80s will act it out to their grandchildren for generations of film fans.  But when you speak of the very best of western actors, who does not talk about John Wayne in his classic movies set on stage in  Old Tucson Arizona.  The indie movie I like the best that John Wayne did was No time for Raw Hide with the famous gunfight at the OK corral.  But then you have to go with Kevin Costner and his western two-hour feature too.  To many to decide from if you ask me. Don’t forget all the CNN western movies that they put out on Cable TV either.

Well, let’s see the next indie movie that comes out in Hollywood and Wonder would it be? Maybe it’ll be Ragdolls, with Susan Sarandon. Or maybe there will be Geronimo, with Kevin Costner, who knows what it could be, but it should be good. Let’s stop and think about what it could be in the theaters. We’re going to go to see this box office smash.

Don’t sit at home tonight. Go see an indie movie somewhere in Monroe, MI, or maybe Detroit, MI next to the theaters in Detroit, which will be open for you just for you and stars like. Yeah, stars like Tim the Toolman Taylor will be there, but he was a TV star of course. But now I think he’s he’s making an indie movie and he should be very good at the indie movie. So let’s go see him as well as actresses like Emma Watson.