Went up to Mount Bobby yesterday with some indie movie friends of mine and they were like an A director and an actor. However, they hadn’t done anything but we did have a lot of fun. Snow skiing and talking about the indie movie experiences that both of them had as far as. Doing casting calls and what they like and what they don’t like it. But there, acting director acting. Our coaches as well as you know how life is in Hollywood for an indie movie film star? Neither one of them know because neither of my indie movie film stars. But it would they would? They would like to tell you because they would like to have that. Big opportunity to make themselves a name in the indie movie business.

So on Friday night, which indie movie did you in your actress girlfriend? Good to see Johnny? Well, I went and saw. Friday the 5th.Friday the 5th was that an indie movie? Yes, it was an indie movie. It was a very very good movie and we saw it in the back of our car because it was an outside movie theater just like in the 70s when used to go outside. So get yourself a date with Emma Watson, a super indie movie star.

Down that’s made a great indie movie at one time and it was called something about a fish and it was a funny movie. It was a sad movie. He made you cry, made you laugh, but in any case, it was a good indie movie that made lots of money and made put down knots on the charts as an actual. Film star, of course. He’s only doing a voiceover of the fish, but in any case, the distribution networks were huge and they got it at studio films. Got it to distribute it, although you should have gone to the festival soup. Who looks at the independent movement, the independent producers, and also the indie movie that each one of them makes and what they would have been. He would have been much better off ’cause they have discovered him for us autographs as being a great celebrity film star that he is.  Tim the tool man Taylor will now star in his self-directed indie movie.

The question is will you take your actress girlfriend from the Opera Show to see a mafia thriller indie movie this year if it is a box office sensation?  How about if it does well at the New York Film Festival?  Well maybe if the famous movie director Deltoro directs it right?  The Lion King will win the awards for the best Studio flick of the century and Snow White and the seven dwarfs will be in the top ten movies of the year.  But Mark Harmon will upset the Hollywood Reports and film critiques with his new NCIS movie made without Tim as he is acting on the show.  In the midst of Sunset Blvd is a small little filmmaker called Bong Joon Ho who is looking to be the best indie movie maker in the world.  He is setting pretty close to marquee value at the film distributors’ opinion poll and will not budge from where he is at because he is now signing Reese Witherspoon for his next film.  But then there is none other than Vincent Tarantino and his slate of films he has produced that has made him a star moviemaker in his own right.  Pharma Bro documentary is the largest most successful documentary of the year at the Sundance Film Festival but it is closely followed by Kurt Warner’s An American Underdog film documentary.  But sometimes the small indie movie makers are more fun and interesting to be around. They tell cool Hollywood stories and are great to party within Santa Monica. But the problem with those guys, as soon as they find out you have no money, they are gone. One of my best friends, who was an actor from the 70s, knew the big guys of the industry well. He would introduce me to many of the actors. Not only did we have a good time at the American Film Market, but we went out on the town to many Hollywood parties. Los Angeles is filled with parties thrown by want to be industry performers.  The problem is, they all want you to buy dinner for the privilege of eating with the movie crowd. Most of the time we turned them down. But occasionally you would find a director that you would buy dinner for, just to listen to his stories of being rich and famous.  We would be in some West LA night club and out of the blue, you would see a Jim Carey strolling with his wife having a good time, everybody clinging onto him.  Then things would get interesting when the actress want to be the girl that was hanging onto you thinking you could make their dreams come true would jump ship and bam, they would be gone to Jim Carey like flies on dog crap.  But Don Knots who is dead will star in his own dead man walking indie movie.


We no longer would accept them back when they figured out that Jim Carey’s gang would shoo them away like flies on a hot August night indie movie.  They would be sad little leading ladies except the only thing they were leading was the homeless guy who was following them to skid row.  The filmmaker’s downtown was all the same with these girls.  Moving in and out of each of the clinging mobs, these executive producers would laugh all night at the funny stories they had with the charming actor want to be. The biggest studio film of the year is clearly the new Transformers movies which are all animated superheroes.  But in high competition is the latest Star Trek movie and the stars are a huge cast of marquee names.  But getting to the bottom of the low-budget pits is Half Dead Fred which is a horror movie and clearly the best indie movie of the year.

Reese Witherspoon made a great indie movie a couple of years ago called Flying Leap Frogs. Uhm, Billy X was the screenwriter and Cece Bell directed flying. These crop frogs made a real killing at the box office, especially over in Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia in Ukraine. It’s because of chocolate, spiky, and filmmakers. Just loved this little indie movie that was made by Reese Witherspoon.