The independent films made in the 1990s were just tremendous. It was an exciting time in an exciting business. The foreign sales financing of the movies was exciting. That’s when the distributor walked out. They got a bunch of. Bids from the foreign distributors and the bank will finance against those bids and usually, they would have to come up with a little bit of production money on top of that from an executive producer or yeah. Or a film fine answer for the independent films that they wanted to make, but in the long run, these independent films were. Exciting to make, exciting to watch, and a thrill that was made on 35-millimeter film. Normally some of the cheaper ones were on 16-millimeter film and we really enjoyed them. But All in all, I was in Pasadena, CA and I started at Pasadena Film. Company and we were making independent films at the time and then we started espresso films and Coffee company and made independent films from there. This is when Howard Delman, a friend of mine and independent film director, was in the move to make a. His independent films as part of the slate of the Can in the Cannes Film Fest Festival, as well as in the American Film Market.

Home Alone 2 was just on at the laundry mat and I binged watched it.  I really did not know it was a Christmas Movie.  The independent films that were rated with Home Alone 2 the year it came out, which was in the nineties, did not do so well at the box office as I cannot recall their titles.  But the TV shows that were on were all in the family with meathead and played on the TV every Thursday night.  Harrison Ford was making movies back then and I don’t think it was anything good.  Of course, Harrison Ford is an a-lister then but today, he is really too old.  We will continue to bet on billy LAx, a Hollywood movie fancier, to create a great production set with Maxx TEE his first-time film director.  We can’t get enough of the independent films that is focused on hard knocks as its success model.  The most you can get from doing a low-budget guerilla film is six thousand bucks.  Do you really think you will have enough to date that special actress that you meet doing this business Maybe you can get a drama school student for that but not a working actress?  But maybe she will love you for your long hair and carefree producer attitude that you are trying to impress her with.  Movies with love stories are great chick flicks if you know what to look for.  You need a romantic actor who can play the role of Tom Cruize.  Do it yourself heliolites that play red necks from the green goblin lagoon are heralded as a novelty and a one-time wonder of the silent independent films era. Bad girls and bad boys from Paris Indiana are at the top of the leading men list to star in this all-stars cast of do-nothings. It is mesmerized as a Hollywood showcased cinema work of art in the highest degree of art. Be a high rolling star-studded wonder of a huge mega-budget movie shot by Dexter Throne and Winnie pooh in high-definition HDTV in supermax and DVD showcased to start a wonderful international distribution for Georgia Pacific and Entergy the power generation enterprise that will fund in the next lifetime. We can depend on female lead to come through with their mega-budget corporation in the near future, but not a short, tiny, microscopic showtime video.  So the independent films you need to watch will normally come from BlockBuster or Red Box.  These film marketing platforms are very profitable and create their own venues.  But many a film fan will just do it the old fashion way and go down to the movie theater, pay his forty dollars and watch that romantic comedy with his girlfriend on Saturday night.  But these days, that means you get to see Reese Witherspoon, the top of the top lister in the world.  Don’t let them sell you a John Candy ticket.  He is not even living these days.   Stuntmen and Directors of Photography will stand on their back legs to see the race car turn over in its grave at CC bel’s next independent films picture shoot. I really love Maxx TEE’s worm investment project.  He maps out the true value of breeding worms in a documentary shoot he has planned since angel wood drama school in which Maxx TEE attended, not so energetically, as he has done his Espresso Films Editorials and film blog job. For little Maxx TEE and his charming and noble sidekick, CC bell, we can imagine, and only imagine, great tidings and things.  In the dark deep nasty areas of Hollywood, some of the actresses work in the dance clubs and frequently in the business of independent films.  They could not make it in Hollywood and they are forced to survive so they are there. They get hooked on the lack of success in their entertainment careers and they can only be motivated by money.  We feel sorry for these poor souls and have a washed-up actress charity club that gives them a place to sleep away from the producers that try to take advantage of them.  In the Pasadena Films area of West Los Angeles, many of these washed up below the line poor fellows live in their boxes while they work in the business of stuntmen.  The independent films that they are dreaming about being in are exactly that.  A nightmare.

The independent films Bruce Lee made and Chuck Norris made were BB lists. The actors were phenomenal. They used to be in all the corny. Crowdy fighting movies and. They exhilarated a lot of effort and a lot of strength in what they did that was before Jackie Chen, who came in as again a leading man in a lot of independent films. Did well on the Asian market and how well they did on the domestic market. As far as the film distribution is concerned, what they did was really break a groundbreaking difference. Its low-budget independent films and studio films, which came out a little bit later and didn’t in the studio films did not stop. It had more of a Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger than it. Jake deny. Jackie Chan. Chuck Norris.Or Bruce Lee type about the low-budget flick.